Broken egg cups

So, yes, we love egg cups and we treat them the best way we can, but unfortunately most of them are not unbreakable and some of them do get in trouble, especially when travelling around the world. Today we pay tribute to some victims of egg cup trafficking and unlucky handling.

Info for the specialists, and the others too: 1) marked "F.U." or "F.O.", it is damaged in the upper border [eggcup4631]; 2) a fine egg cup, to be compared with the following [eggcup2606]; 3) Hooli Mooli egg cup; notice that an arm and part of the egg are gone [eggcup3832] 4) an old Palissy Pottery (Stoke-On-Trent) piece, marked "Thames River Scenes by Palissy Pottery, England" [eggcup2481]; 5) a piece with manufacturing problems [eggcup0917]; 6) OK, this is a joke: a French egg cup imitating a broken egg shell, named "Croqtou", produced by the Limoges company Jean Louis Coquet [eggcup1702].