These egg cups became such a hype when they first saw the light, that they were very, very soon copied and declined in almost infinite models. And they eventually got even more popular. And more models saw the light. Should we really care about which ones are "the originals"? Or can we just concentrate in deciding which one is our favourite? Note for the collectors: there are of course many more than the models shown here.
Info about this beautiful selection: 1) made in China for "The egg cup collection" of Salt & Pepper [eggcup5312]; 2) made in China for "The egg cup collection" of Salt & Pepper [eggcup5286]; 3) egg cup distributed in the Netherdlands with the name "eierdop inktivs" [eggcup4751]; 4) a friend of the previous one [eggcup4750]; 5) and their geisha friend, with a "made in China" sticker [eggcup4749]; 6) white koala [eggcup3915]; 7) squirrel model by Salt 1 Pepper, "The egg cup collection" [eggcup5521].